Finished Projects
Installation for interconnected Brain Players
by acoustical Neurofeedback of sonificated EEG-measurements Frankfurt am Main: Hessischer Rundfunk 2001 / Berliner Festspiele 2004
Experiment // Play // Symposion
Can we see things from the perspective of people and figures whose actions we disapprove of?
Habitus in Habitat II
Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin
in collaboration a.o. with !KF - Institut für künstlerische Forschung (2009)
Publication Bern: Peter Lang 2010
HUM - the Art of Collecting
taxomanic course through the research collections of the Natural History Museum Berlin
Performance-Series on the Hermeneutics of Metaphor:
But now for the profound truth maybe...
concert performance 2003
I do a lot of things that I don't do and I don't do some things that I do do, but not always
salon performance with an embedded lecture by Hayden White 2005
So actually I was being you the whole time and I didn't even know
performance installation 2006
Reality and Relativity of the Aesthetic
research group "Relativity" at the Young Academy Publication Berlin: Theater der Zeit 2009
Installation at Humboldt Lab Berlin, Museum for Ethnology
Daniel Kötter recomposes and stages material from the video archive of the music ethnology collection. raumlaborberlin has designed eight observer situations to accompany the films
Tuning the Brain for Music
an international collaboration investigating the processing of music in the brain
the Development of Emotions
in Zusammenarbeit u.a. mit dem Exzellenzcluster "Languages of Emotion" der Freien Universität Berlin (seit 2008)
Biological origins of rhythm as a carrier of emotions
Analysis of rhythm in song and dance of birds in different affective contexts using perspectives from linguistics, musicology and movement studies: do affective sequential motor behaviors share structural determinants?
Aesthetic Modulation of affective Valence
Why are we able to enjoy negative emotions? An interdisciplinary research group of psychologists, film and literature scholars and artists conducts experiments on the joy of aversion.
Bottleneck Control through Sonificiation of Logistic Data
at Jacobs University Bremen (as of 2006)
on architectural and urban conditions for theatre possibilities by Constanze Fischbeck and Daniel Kötter