7. (Premiere), 10. and 12. May, Zuhauspielhaus Zürich
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
live online as Video-Conference
24.-26. April, Internet
EUvsVirus Hackathon
Project: The Digital Stage
3.-5. April, Internet
Swiss VersusVirus Hackathon
Project: The Digital Stage
20.-22. March, Internet
WirvsVirus Hackathon of the German Federal Government
Project: The Digital Stage
10. March, Kristiania College Oslo
Artistic Climate(s)
27. and 28. February, Schauspielhaus Zürich
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
with translation in Swiss sign language
25. January, Bauhaus Universität Weimar / Tel Aviv
Artistic Research Salon Tel Aviv
Moderation: Gabriel S. Moses
December 17th, Gare du Nord Basel
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch und Julian Klein
December 3rd and
November 29th, Schauspielhaus Zürich
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
November 1st 2019, Acud Berlin
Eufonia Festival
October 24-25th 2019, Kunstakademi København
International for Center for Knowledge in the Arts Initiating Inauguration
October 11th, Université Aix-Marseille
Study day: Artistic Research
October 9th, Théatre Antoine Vitez, Aix-en-Provence
Hans Schleif
de Matthias Neukirch et Julian Klein, avec surtitres français
October 6th, Schauspielhaus Zürich
100th performance
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
October 4th, Schauspielhaus Zürich
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
September 19th-21st, Volskbühne Berlin
Symposion of the Society for Artistic Research in Germany
June 13th and 14th, University of applied sciences and arts in Ottersberg
Workshop „Research with art – Perspectives of methodological designs“
May 2nd, 3rd and 9th, Schauspielhaus Zürich
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
April 29th, 7 pm, daadgalerie Berlin
Forum Artistic Research of GKFD (Society for Artistic Research in Germany)
by Mariana Silva and Pedro Neves Marques
hosted by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
April 25th-26th, Leuphana University Lüneburg
Artistic methods and strategies in research, education, and transformation
for sustainability development
a closed workshop, hosted by Sacha Kagan and Harald Heinrichs
March 21st – 23rd, ZHdK Zürich
10th Annual Conference of the Society for Artistic Research
with a video installation, talk and discussion on the project „Infamous Perspectives“
(22nd, 2.30 pm)
March 5th, Schauspielhaus Zürich
January 8th and 9th
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
December 4th, 5th and 11th, Schauspielhaus Zürich
December 19th, HKB Theater Bern
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
November 14th, University of Art and Design Linz
Artistic Research – its concept and its practice
Guest Lecture by Julian Klein
November 8th, Schauspielhaus Zürich
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
October 30th, State Festival Berlin
MS Science Award with opening of the installation „Amygdala“ by Marco Donnarumma
Laudatio in behalf of the Jury by Julian Klein
October 26th-27th, LM University Munich
in actu. Theatre practice as method and object of research (conference)
June 22, State Theatre Hannover
Not attractive enough? – Towards a better understanding of the world, perhaps even for being able to improve some unattractive things – Some ways to research through theatre
May 30th and 31st,
March 7th., 8th. and 9th,
Feb 18th, Schauspielhaus Zurich
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
Jan. 31st, [ID] factory Dortmund
Kunst fördert Bildung. Januarforum 2018
Symposium for equality of art and science
with Julian Klein, !KF Berlin
Nov 21st, Schauspielhaus Zurich
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
Nov 15th, Cardiff, Wales
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
Nov 10th-12th, Märkisches Gildehaus, Caputh
2nd workshop „Arts and Science in Motion“
Nov 10th-12th, matralab with Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
Alvin Alvin. Reflections and Refractions around Alvin Lucier
Oct. 27th.-29th, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
symposium Out of the Blue: From the provisional to improvisation
with a.o. Judith Hopf, Harald Welzer, Julian Klein
Oct. 27th.-29th, Villa Elisabeth, Berlin
Sonification Festival „Audible Data Streams“
with a.o. Julian Klein, Martin Hachmann, Jutta Ravenna
Oct 26th & 27th, Castrum Peregrini, Amsterdam
International Conference „Living as Form“
with a.o. Renzo Martens, Patricia Kaersenhout,
Pier Luigi Sacco, Julian Klein, Anke Bangma
June 1st, University of Art and Design, Linz
Animal Music Symposium
Keynote-speaker Irene Pepperberg. With Clara Mancini, Julian Klein, alien productions, Reinhard Gupfinger, Marisa Hoeschele, Daniel Gilfillan and Fahim Amir
opening on the eve of the symposium by Helmut Kratochvil at Atelierhaus Salzamt
May 18th – 20th, Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design
Phase 3 – Wie forschen wir? Pro und contra Practise-based PhD an Kunsthochschulen
opening lecture Julian Klein
May 12th and 13th, Braunschweig University of Art
„Abweichen! Das Irreguläre als Haltung für Kunst und Pädagogik“
With Jules Buchholtz, Martin Clausen, Philipp Furtenbach , Daniel Häni, Thomas Heise, Gudrun Herrbold, Theresa Jacobs, Julian Klein, Stefanie Lorey, Uwe Lübbermann, Charlotte Orti Von Havranek, Anne Schulz , Gabriele Stötzer, Christian Weiss, Tugba Tanyilmaz & Sven Woytek
May 3th and 4th, Schauspielhaus Zürich
April 22th and 23th, Pathos Theater München
March 17th, Schauspielhaus Zürich
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch und Julian Klein
February 14th-16th
flausen + bundesnetzwerkkongress
„The Future is Now“ in Cologne
February 5th, Schauspielhaus Zürich
January 21st, Schauspielhaus Zürich
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch und Julian Klein
November 14th, Schauspielhaus Zürich
November 26th and 27th, Prague Theatre Festival
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch und Julian Klein
September 25th, kulturradio rbb
The Balloon
August 13th Chapel of Reconciliation, Bernauer Street Berlin
memorial event of the 55th anniversary of the errection of the Berlin Wall on August 13, 1961
with an artistic intervention of the group a rose is
July 6 and 7 Pathos Theater München
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch und Julian Klein
afterwards panel discussion with LMU München
July 1st, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften (long night of sciences) Halle
Archaeological Museum Martin Luther University / Neues Theater Halle
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
June 22nd Schauspielhaus Zürich
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch und Julian Klein
Juni 18th Cumberland Lodge London
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch und Julian Klein
May 24th, 7 pm, Muthesius Art University Kiel
Lecture Julian Klein
May 23rd Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin
Lecture-Performance Efva Lilja: Beyond the Ordinary. A performing lecture on art, research and empowerment. (moderated by Julian Klein)
May 22nd, Schauspielhaus Zurich
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
May 21st, 10 am, de Theaterschool Amsterdam School of Arts (AHK)
THIRD! Symposium. 3rd Cycle Programmes in the Arts: realities and practices
April 28-30, The Hague, Netherlands
Society for Artistic Research: International Conference on Artistic Research
April 2nd and 21st, Schauspielhaus Zurich
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
April 7-9, Academy of Performing Arts, Prague, Czech Republic
Artistic Research: Is There Some Method?
Keynote speakers: Bruce Brown (University of Brighton, UK), Bojana Kunst (Institute for Applied Theatre Studies, Giessen, Germany), Kent Sjöström (Malmö Theatre Academy, Sweden), Teemu Mäki ( Helsinki, Finland) and Julian Klein (!KF – Institute for Artistic Research, Berlin, Germany)
April 7-8, Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg
ArtSearch Symposium
with Andrea Agostini (IT), Beatrix Borchard (DE), Henk Borgdorff (NL), Maro Ciciliani (AT), Cumhur Erkut (DK), Henrik Frisk (SE), Anke Haarmann (DE), Georg Hajdu (DE), Paula Hildebrandt (DE), Alexander Jensenius (NO), Martin Kaltenbrunner (AT), Julian Klein (DE), Johannes Kretz (AT), Per Anders Nilsson (SE), Piibe Piirma (EE), Anthony de Ritis (USA), Jan Schacher (CH), Benjamin Sprick (DE), Matthias Tischer (DE)
January 25, 6 pm, Bauhaus University Weimar
Lecture by Julian Klein
January 12 and February 14, Schauspielhaus Zürich
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
January 7-8, Stockholm University of the Arts
Opera Symposium – Shaping the Moment
December 19, Schauspielhaus Zürich
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
December 9, 8 pm, Einar&Bert Theaterbuchhandlung Berlin
per.SPICE! – Forum artistic research
November 26, Hangar Barcelona
Discussion with Julian Klein on the state of the art research and strategies to defend it and gain recognition
organized by CAiRE
November 25-26, 5 pm, University Hannover
Q[‚kju:] – Relativity Day
Q[‚kju:] – Deformation of Space and Time – a cooperative project of Hermannshof and Leibniz Universität Hannover, together with Sonderforschungsbereich 1128 „Relativistic Geodesy and Gravimetry with Quantum Sensors (geo-Q)”.
November 19-21, Deutsches Theater Berlin, Berlin Research Theatre Days
November 13, Schauspielhaus Zürich (Swiss Premiere)
Hans Schleif
November 17, IASS Potsdam
Synergies of Arts and Science for Sustainability Transformations
November 9-11, Orpheus Institute Ghent
The Dark Precursor
International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research
October 5, Theater der Zeit / Einar & Bert Berlin
per.SPICE! – Forum Artistic Research
with Eva Plischke and Frank Oberhäußer (Turbo Pascal)
October 1 (Premiere), Tickets: Radialsystem V
October 2, 3, 4, 28, 29, 30
The Balloon – a German C(h)ase
Radiodrama-Parcours about an Attempt to Escape GDR in 1989
September 25-26, Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin
black mountain – educational turn and the avantgarde
September 23, Staatsschauspiel Dresden
Conference „Theatre and Research“ – Schultheater der Länder
September 8-9, Kunst-Werke Berlin
Reg Carremans: Correspondence
August 28-30, Ballhaus Ost (Berlin)
Translating music – festival and symposium by labor sonor
July 18, Deutsches Theater Göttingen
July 11, Sommerakademie Böhlen
July 7, Deutsches Theater Berlin
Hans Schleif
June 8, Theatre Bookshop Einar & Bert Berlin
per.SPICE! – Forum Artistic Research with Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll) and Annette Jael Lehmann
June 7, Staatstheater Braunschweig
Hans Schleif
May 19, 56th Venice Biennale
per.SPICE! – the art of research with the spice of perception
a daylong event about the Journal for Artistic Research with Julian Klein
Hans Schleif – performance in English
6 / 7 May, Université Paris-Sorbonne Nouvelle / Goethe Institut Paris
Conference with performance and panel discussion
Hans Schleif
April 30 – May 1, Society for Artistic Research, Chelsea College of Arts / University of the Arts London
Conference “Unconditional Love“
14 May, Deutsches Theater Berlin (50th performance)
19 / 20 April, Theater Lueneburg
Hans Schleif
15 April, Theater der Zeit / Einar & Bert Berlin
Infamous Perspectives
book premiere
29 March, Deutsches Theater Berlin
27 March, Schauspiel Hannover
Hans Schleif
26 / 27 March, University Gothenborg/ Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts
Research School’s colloquium
a.o. with Monica Sand and Julian Klein
6 March, 9 am – 5pm, matralab, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
UPHONIAS – Sounds and Future Environments
A one-day symposion organized by Sandeep Bhagwati and Adam Basanta will focus on utopian ideas about the role of sound art in landscape contexts, environmental issues and, simply, as „land sound art“. Highlight: A performance of Julian Klein’s performance piece „Interpreters IV“.
26 – 28 February, 10am – 5pm daily, matralab, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
1 March, 1pm, Concert, Espace Cercle Carré, Montréal
Mise-en-musique workshop & concert
Directed by Julian Klein
25 Feb, 5 – 7pm, matralab, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
Matralab explore presents Julian Klein
Artist Talk & Discussion
9 February, Theater der Zeit / Einar & Bert Berlin
per.SPICE! – Forum Artistic Research
with Eva Meyer-Keller and Tobias Rausch.
7 February, HZT Berlin
Jana Unmüßig
15 January, Deutsches Theater Berlin
27 and 28 January, TUFA Trier
Hans Schleif
30 November, Deutsches Theater Berlin
Hans Schleif
27 – 29 November, Bern University of the Arts and University of Applied Sciences and Arts Nothwestern Switzerland Basel
performing voice. Vocality in the focus of applied interpretational research
29 October, Deutsches Theater Berlin
Hans Schleif
24 – 26 October, University of Cambridge
Building Interdisciplinary Bridges Across Cultures
17 – 18 October, Ludwig Maximilians-Universität Munich
Experiment: a key category of modernity between aesthetics, politics and science
19 September, Deutsches Theater Berlin
28 June, Deutsches Theater Berlin
1 June, Deutsches Theater Berlin
27 April, Deutsches Theater Berlin
Hans Schleif
26 May, SWR 2, 23:03 Uhr
Sounding Data – Sonifications in Music and Soundart
by Michael Iber
16 April, Kulturwelle HU Berlin, 8:30 pm
The Science of the Radioplay
a programme by Lena Michalis, Mark Othmer and Sebastian Schwesinger,
online at https://kulturwelle.hu-berlin.de/category/magazin/
23-29 March
Research at German Archaeoligical Institute Athens and Olympia for
Hans Schleif
4-8 March, Stockholm
Loitering with Intent – a Feast of Research by the Society for Artistic Research
27 February, Jacobs University Bremen
The Grooving Factory – Auditory Logistics Analysis
Lecture by Michael Iber
23. January, University for Media Cologne
Lecture by Julian Klein
19 January, Topography of Terror
25 January, in the former SS-Wirtschaftsverwaltungshauptamt, Kulturamt Steglitz
27 January, Ruth-Cohn-Schule Berlin
6 March, Deutsches Theater Berlin
Hans Schleif
21 and 27 December, Deutsches Theater Berlin
Hans Schleif
9 December, Sophiensæle Berlin
per.SPICE! – Forum Artistic Research
with Sven Sappelt and Alex Arteaga
6-7 December, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Symposium: LaborARTorium. Research in Art and Science
28., 29. und 30. November, 1. Dezember, Hebbel am Ufer Berlin (HAU 1)
Music Theater by and with a rose is
21 November, Deutsches Theater Berlin
Hans Schleif
24-27 October, Sophiensæle Berlin
Infamous Perspektives – Performance and Symposion
30 September, Sophiensæle Berlin
per.SPICE! – Forum Artistic Research
with Robert Huber (European Society for Research and Art) and AREAL
15 September, Deutsches Theater Berlin
27 September, Edinburgh
Hans Schleif
18 June, 7:30 pm, DeutschlandRadio Kultur
The Case Hans Schleif
Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein in conversation with Kolja Mensing
29 May, 5 pm, University for Fine Arts Dresden
FAST – Framing Art, Science & Technology
27 May, 4pm and 8pm
per.SPICE! – Forum Artistic Research
Performing Institutions #1
with Herbordt/Mohren and Guests
15 May, 7 pm, TU Berlin
26 May, Teatr Polski, Poznan
11 May, Deutsches Theater Berlin
6 May, Landestheater Linz
27 April, Deutsches Theater Berlin
20 and 25 March, Deutsches Theater Berlin
Hans Schleif
by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
18 March, Sophiensæle Berlin
per.SPICE! – Forum Artistic Research
with Participants of Infamous Perspectives // The Experiment
13 March – 26 May, Museum for Ethnology Berlin
participants and objectives – 8 takes on filming music
Installation by Daniel Kötter and raumlaborberlin
4-17 March, Sophiensæle / Uferstudios Berlin
Infamous Perspectives // The Experiment
21 January, Sophiensæle Berlin
per.SPICE! – Forum Artistic Research
with Ursula Damm (Weimar) and Martin Schneider (Baden-Baden)
14 January, Deutsches Theater Berlin
19 January, Staatstheater Oldenburg
27 January, Staatstheater Hannover
Hans Schleif
with Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein
6. December, Deutsches Theater Berlin
Hans Schleif
2. December, Sophiensæle Berlin – per.SPICE! Extra
„Monkey Society“ by Julia Fischer
with Julia Fischer, Hanns Zischler / welcoming Thomas Sparr, Suhrkamp Verlag
moderation: Julian Klein. Presented by Suhrkamp-Verlag.
26. November, Sophiensæle Berlin
per.SPICE! – Forum künstlerische Forschung
with Kirsten Johannsen (Berlin) and Christopher Salter (Montréal)
19. November, Technische Universität Dortmund, [ID] Factory
Art supporting Science
10. November, Stiftung Zukunft Berlin
Berlin Conference “A Soul for Europe”
8.-9. November, Kulturcampus Marienburg Hildesheim
»Composition and Research«
Symposium at the Festival Musik 21 Niedersachsen
25.-26. October, Hanse Insititute for Advanced Study
Performativity and Scientific Practice
23. September, 7 pm, Deutsches Theater Berlin
Hans Schleif
season premiere
17. September, 8 pm, Sophiensæle Berlin
per.SPICE! – Forum Artistic Research
with Elena Cologni and Philipp Ruch
12.-14. July, Radialsystem V Berlin
The Art of Listening
a festival on listening to music
Finale: Radial Night – Experiments of Listening a.o. with a rose is
20.-25. June, Exhibition Road London
Supersonix Conference
Brain study – Installation for interconnected Brain players
Hans Schleif with Matthias Neukirch
Deutsches Theater Berlin: 15th May, 16th June
11. June, 8 pm, Sophiensæle Berlin
per.SPICE! – Forum artistic Research
with Marlis Roth (Potsdam) and Henk Borgdorff (Den Haag/Göteborg)
9.-10. June, Halle/Saale
Soundcheck Philosophie
Philosophy Performance Festival
14. May, 20 Uhr, Sophiensæle Berlin
per.SPICE! – Forum artistic Research (1)
state-theatre #4 DETROIT by Daniel Kötter and Constance Fischbeck
12. + 13. May, 20 Uhr, Dock 11 Berlin
a rose is
the sun sets in the west
8. May, 6pm, Medientheater, HU Berlin Georgenstraße 47
Colloquium „Media we mean“
On the dynamics of moved bodies – Fundamentals of an artistic theory of relativity
Lecture by Julian Klein / Moderation: Wolfgang Ernst
7. May, 8.30 pm, Pro qm Berlin
The Intellectual Birdhouse
with Florian Dombois, Ute Meta Bauer, Jan Svenungsson and Guests
2. February, 5 pm, HFF Potsdam, Institute for Artistic Research
Transdisciplinary Colloquium „Artistic Research“
with Frank Geßner and Julian Klein
Hans Schleif with Matthias Neukirch
Deutsches Theater Berlin: January 5.th and 20.th, February 5.th, March 14.th
Schauspiel Hannover: January 27.th, March 18.th
10. December, Akademie der Künste Berlin, Hanseatenweg
state-theatre #1 LAGOS
state-theatre #2 TEHRAN
state-theatre #3 BERLIN
by Daniel Kötter and Constanze Fischbeck
Filmpremiere with a lecture by Ulrike Hass
29. November, HFF Potsdam, Institute for Artistic Research
Transdisciplinary Colloquium „Artistic Research“ with Julian Klein
14. November, Inter-University Center for Dance Berlin
Journal for Artistic Research – Introduction Workshop
as of October 2011, Deutsches Theater Berlin
Hans Schleif with Matthias Neukirch
– Performances 13th, 31th October, 11th November, 10th December
– DT Campus Workshop 11th November
9.-11. October 2011, RWTH Aachen
Exploring Uncertainty – Conference
2.-3. September 2011, Amsterdam
Journal for Artistic Research: Editorial Board Meeting
16. July 2011, University for Music Hanns Eisler Berlin
expanded music
8.-9. July 2011, Radialsystem V Berlin
Languages of Emotion
30. June 2011, University for Arts and Design Basel
Julian Klein: Artistic Research
12. / 13. June 2011, Deutsches Theater Berlin
Hans Schleif – Preview
7.-8. June 2011, Royal Academy London
Journal for Artistic Research: Editorial Board Meeting
27. May 2011, Royal Academy for Fine Arts Den Haag
Artistic Research Workshop with Julian Klein
12.-13. May 2011, Schering Foundation / Harnack Haus Berlin
Creativity in Science and the Arts
2.-3. May 2011, Jacobs University Bremen
The Grooving Factory
1.-3. April 2011, University of Arts Berlin
expanded music – Semesterprojekt
14.-15. March 2011, Jacobs University Bremen
The Grooving Factory
5. November 2010 – 13. March 2011, Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Cologne
Daniel Kötter/Constanze Fischbeck: staats-theater
8. March 2011, University of Arts Zurich
Julian Klein: Artistic Research at !KF
3.-5. März 2011, University of Arts Berne
Society for Artistic Research
21. January 2011, University Zurich
Brain study – Installation for interconnected brain players
14. January 2011, Institut für Raumexperimente / Studio Olafur Eliasson
Julian Klein: „Feeling out interesting“ – Talk on Artistic Research
11. January 2011, University of Arts Berlin Lecture Series „Sound&Video, Space&Body“
Daniel Kötter: Klangraum und Zeitbild
9.-11. December 2010, Institute for Advanced Studies / Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg
Symposion on Neuroaesthetics: The Artful Brain
2.-4. December 2010, University of Arts Berne
Conference „History of Sonification“
2., 3., 4. December 2010, mousonturm Frankfurt am Main
Daniel Kötter & Constance Fischbeck: staats-theater
16.-17. November 2010, Brussels
Journal for Artistic Research – Editorial Board Meeting
14. November 2010, 19:00, University of Arts Berlin
„theatre piece“ by John Cage / „theatre piece“ after John Cage
7.-8. November 2010, Radialsystem V, Berlin
Falling Walls Conference – Katja Windt
24.-25. September 2010, Akademie Schloss Solitude
Conference „Artistic Research as Aesthetic Science“
29.-30. June 2010, Brussels
Journal for Artistic Research – Editorial Board Meeting
26. June 2010, Radialsystem V, Berlin
Emolution – Workshop
16.-20. June 2010, Riga
Society for Literature, Science and the Arts Biannual Conference
8. June 2010, Schering Stiftung Berlin
Alex Arteaga: Artistic Research. Aesthetic Practice as Sense-Making
13.-16. May 2010, Academy of Arts Berlin
zynk: Oxybox (Performance Installation in public space)
29.-30. April, University of Arts Zurich
Artistic Research – Canon Formation
5.-6. March 2010, University of Arts Bern
Society for Artistic Research – Founding Assembly
4.-7. March 2010, sophiensaele Berlin
zynk: Brain Check – have your brain checked
27. February 2010, University for Music Hanns Eisler Berlin
2. Long Night of experimental music theatre
29.-30. January 2010, University Erlangen
Salon Art as Research: Experiment